




新星能源集团协助瑞丰乐投letou投资者评估能源效率措施和降低公用事业成本. 凭借在瑞丰乐投letou开发和能源咨询方面的丰富经验, 诺瓦能源集团团队专注于将建筑的能源性能转化为财务术语. 这种分析使新星客户能够更好地控制他们的公用事业费用, 有助于在不可预测的能源市场中降低金融风险.


新星在能源效率领域拥有9年的经验, particularly in the multifamily market. It provides non-database-driven, custom energy audit reports that allow for “outside the box,” site-specific solutions based on dialogue with clients. 



  • 建筑性能协会(BPI)认证的多户分析师

  • Leed ap + c 

  • 能源工程师协会:认证能源经理(CEM)

  • Certified 能源 Auditor (CEA) 

  • 认证的测量 & 验证 Professional (CMVP) 




新星是房利美(Fannie Mae)和房地美(Freddie Mac)绿色融资方案的主要能源审计提供商之一.

Fannie Mae Green Rewards

Fannie Mae Green Rewards is for property owners interested in investing in energy and water efficiency measures (EWEM) at their multifamily properties. 必须确定至少节省30%的能源和水,至少节省15%的能源. Fannie Mae offers better pricing and will underwrite up to 75% of projected owner-paid projected savings and 25% of tenant-paid projected savings.


新星 is Pre-Qualified With Fannie Mae

新星 has achieved pre-qualification with Fannie Mae for completing High Performance Building (HPB) reports as part of the Green Rewards program.

受托贷款人将不再需要将新星的HPB报告提交房利美批准.  Lenders will review, score and approve the reports.


Freddie Mae Green Up is for property owners interested in investing in energy and water efficiency measures (EWEM) at their multifamily properties. 必须确定至少节省30%的能源和水,至少节省15%的能源. 房地美提供了更好的定价,并将承保高达50%的预计业主支付的预计储蓄.

当贷款结束时,房地美会偿还绿色评估报告的全部费用, regardless of whether the loan closes as a green loan.


所有物业都需要进行基准测试,并获得能源之星®分数. 所提供的效用数据也用于所有节省估算.


The Seller/Servicer must provide:

  • 12个月的所有业主自付水电费或Excel报表, 水/污水, 和其他燃料)

  • Utility bills or Excel accounting for a sample of tenant data (if the borrower will be underwriting tenant savings for Fannie Mae)

  • 财产的细节



能源审计为投资者提供了对建筑能源使用的全面了解. 能源审计的目的是了解减少能源消耗的机会 & 在增加租户舒适度、健康和安全的同时,降低多户建筑的成本.

能源审计是对建筑物能源支出进行全面管理的一种工具. The 管理 of energy expenditures considers four factors:

  • 实现建筑功能和保持居住者舒适度所需的能量

  • The maintenance and retrofit plan for the building

  • Reducing the unit cost of purchased energy

  • Reducing energy consumption


能源 auditing begins by identifying energy end uses and attempts to eliminate end use waste before considering efficiency gains in the primary equipment. 详细程度和目标在不同的多户能源审计类型之间有所不同. 我们公司通常执行ASHRAE能源审计I、II和III级.

以下是 ASHRAE‘s description of the four levels of energy audits:


基准测试: This first analysis consists in a preliminary whole building energy use analysis based on the analysis of the historic utility use and costs and the comparison of the performances of the buildings to those of similar buildings. 通过对所研究的安装进行基准测试,可以确定是否需要进一步分析


Walk-through 能源 audit: The Level I energy audit is a walk-through energy audit that identifies low-cost improvement opportunities or obvious areas of energy waste and inefficiency. 分析包括对已安装设备和运行数据的目视检查和研究. 简要描述了纠正措施,并对实施成本进行了快速估计, potential cost savings and payback. 该报告包括优先考虑效率项目和评估更详细的能源审计需求的机会.


能源 Audit Survey and Analysis of Low Hanging Fruit:

The 1级+ energy audit builds on the Level I and includes more in-depth energy savings calculations that are completed using a combination of spreadsheet calculations and basic modeling. 该分析将包括估计的安装成本以及照明等低成本措施的成本和消耗节省, water and appliance replacements and others as appropriate. Capital improvements such as envelope, 暖通空调和生活热水的改进将定性为低, medium or high for cost and priority. The report includes sufficient detail to justify project implementation for low-cost opportunities or specific measures or system requested by the client as well as identifying priorities for a more detailed energy audit that targets higher cost improvements.


所有能源和水资源机会的能源审计调查与分析: 二级节能计算将通过严格的计算完成. 该分析将包括所考虑的所有措施的估计安装成本和节省, both low-cost and high cost capital improvements. 根据实施成本估算,对每项措施进行详细的财务分析, 现场具体的运营成本节约和客户的投资标准. 第2级分析还包括所有公用事业的最终用途细分, 包括季节性负荷,并考虑入住率等运营参数, schedules and service levels (set points, 光水平等.) for Operations and Maintenance (O&M) improvement options. 提供了充分的细节,以证明项目的实施适合所有已确定的机会.


Investment-Grade multifamily energy audit: 资本密集型改造的详细分析,重点是需要严格分析研究的潜在高成本ewem. This level of analysis can involve advanced on-site measurements and sophisticated computer based simulation tools to evaluate precisely the selected energy retrofits; This level also allows for compounding energy improvements to be analyzed as stand-alone or packaged improvements.




能源 benchmarking is the comparison of a building’s energy consumption against similar buildings while accounting for a variety of factors such as weather, 燃料类型, 建筑施工, 入住率, 等. This is the first step in determining energy conservation potential of a property as well as the potential to undergo a full 调查 by performing an energy audit.


能源 benchmarking provides the owner with a priority list of which buildings are performing well and which are under-performing. The ability to highlight the assets within a real estate portfolio that are poor performers will aid in the proper allocation of a client’s time and money.

The Goals of 能源基准测试

  • 以较低的第一成本努力找出减少能源的机会

  • Assess current performance

  • Prioritize facilities for improvements

  • 设定适当的目标

  • Evaluate and Measure progress

  • Rank facility performance against its peers


By tracking the utility expenses monthly or quarterly, 能源消耗的任何波动都能被迅速识别.  及早发现漏水或公用事业预算的差异可以在短时间内节省真正的费用.  我们可以确定之前对建筑进行的改造是否有效. 同样的, 在一座新建筑里,它是用能源模型设计的, 我们可以了解建筑是如何跟踪相对于预期性能的.


If 新星 catches something unexpected in the utility trending we will immediately bring it to our clients’ attention and will likely have a solution.

基准测试 with 能源之星® Portfolio Manager®

由美国开发.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) through 能源之星®, 一种名为能源之星®Portfolio Manager®的软件工具可用于对各种建筑类型进行基准测试. 使用投资组合管理器来确定基准投资优先级, 跟踪节能情况, 突出建筑物中较差的能源性能是您的建筑物获得能源之星评级的步骤.

能源基准得分达到或超过75分,该建筑将获得美国政府颁发的能效等级认证.S. EPA 能源之星® Label.


多户住宅在能源和水方面都可以从能源之星®获得1-100分. 如果您的物业在energy STAR®Portfolio Manager®中获得75分或更高的能源得分, it may be eligible to be certified by 能源之星, signifying that it is among America’s top energy performers.


获得多户家庭能源之星认证表明您是“绿色”的.“绿色估值可减少营运开支,令业主及投资者受惠, attracting better and higher rents, increasing 入住率 and increasing resale value.

新星 is an 能源之星 Partner. We have benchmarked over 1,在Portfolio Manager中使用了000个建筑物,并了解使房东难以完成该过程的常见陷阱. 雇佣新星来帮你完成整个过程,可以确保你的进度更快, easier and results will be more accurate.




Building 能源 Modeling



Using a variety of industry standard software tools such as 能源部对 and PSD’s TREAT®Multifamily and proprietary processes, 新星模拟了现有建筑和将要建造的建筑的能源性能. 建筑能耗建模是开发商和投资者的重要工具, 使他们能够了解各种变量的能源影响,包括但不限于墙组件, 建筑方向, 或者机械系统.

Operations and Maintenance Manuals


操作和维护培训通常是作为建筑物更广泛的能源效率工作的一部分而开发的. A site operations and maintenance manual is a custom manual developed by our professionals to document the most efficient means of operating the site’s mechanical systems. 在许多情况下,我们看到,由于不了解操作程序,建筑物的运行效率受到了影响. 这导致我们提供建筑操作和维护手册. 这包括为您的操作员提供的操作图和说明.

The Benefits of Operations and Maintenance Manuals

In addition to educating current site operators, 建筑操作和维护手册的另一个重要优点是将现场知识制度化. 这减少了员工流动对能源效率的影响,并且随时可供员工或服务提供商使用. 本瑞丰乐投letou官网以硬拷贝形式提供,并以Adobe PDF®格式的电子CD形式提供. 我们还为您的建筑运营商和资产管理公司提供基于网络的资源.

Building Operator Training

Building operator training gives your site maintenance and operations staff the tools they need to operate your investment as cost effectively as possible.

Conducted at your site and on your equipment, 建筑操作员培训教育维修人员在安全的环境下操作设备, energy efficient manner. 这种教育是根据每个站点运行中的设备定制的, to the skills and concerns of your maintenance staff, and in accordance with your goals as an investor. 我们经常将这种培训作为全面战略能源管理计划的一部分.

通过为您的建筑员工提供特定于现场的建筑操作员培训, 我们可以制定行动计划,以尽量减少昂贵的承包商服务电话. We recommend conducting this training in concert with developing operations and maintenance manuals in order to ensure this information is well documented in the event of turnover in your maintenance staff.

Envelope Commissioning


围护结构调试(BECx)是对建筑围护系统(墙)的系统审查, roofs and foundations) to ensure the air tightness of the building is below the prescribed maximum rates and that the building’s design and construction meet defined performance expectations.




暖通空调调试 is the methodical and documented process of evaluating and testing building mechanical systems to ensure that the systems are functioning as intended, 根据业主的运营需求,并尽可能提高能源效率.


Commissioning agents are trained to catch over-sized equipment, mis-sized valves/dampers and chillers, 不必要的组件, low-quality or clogged filters, and construction debris blocking ventilation. We also look at overridden/stuck VFDs or economizers, specified equipment not installed, improper set points or control sequences, circuitous duct or piping runs, and bad or inaccurate sensors.

The Benefits of 暖通空调调试

  • Lower energy consumption

  • Increased occupant comfort

  • Lower maintenance costs

  • 减少责任

  • 更多的 effective risk 管理

Incentive Program Management


As a qualified partner of multiple incentive programs, 新星的战略能源集团代表建筑业主担任能源分析师和项目经理, accessing funding for up to 50% of project costs.

As your Qualified Program Partner, 我们优化改造范围,以最大限度地提高所有可用的奖励和回扣.

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Review the incentive and funding levels for your project

  • Complete 能源 Benchmark and evaluate potential savings

  • Complete required applications to funding organization

  • 进行能源审计

  • 制定符合项目要求的节能措施和建设预算

  • Submit findings to funding organization


  • Assist with contractor selection

  • Perform contractor oversight and project inspections

  • 按照资助机构的要求进行最终检查,确保100%完成

  • Submit inspection reports and incentive request documents

Strategic 能源 Planning


不像大多数私人瑞丰乐投letou投资者,他们必须协调多个投资伙伴的目标, 住房当局, 政府实体, 大学, and other single-owner groups can develop a strategy to leverage the savings from high yielding energy savings measures to fund subsequent conservation efforts or capital needs. 由此产生的“循环贷款基金”或现金流瀑布效应可以反复用作融资来源.

所有的能源管理策略都需要以现实和可靠的数据为基础. 正因为如此, we begin our process with the “发现阶段”, 其中包括投资级能源审计和公用事业账单分析. 我们为投资组合中的每座建筑建立了基线能源使用, 然后从整体上考虑投资组合所提供的机会, and available sources of financing including low interest loans, 和国家, 联邦, and other rebates and incentives.



在分析发现阶段的基础上,我们制定了五年战略计划. 大多数项目在第一年实行最高产量措施, 使用由此产生的现金流来资助后续的改进或解决与能源无关的资本需求.

因为决策基础设施是在第一年发展起来的, 业主可以在项目的整个生命周期中使用这些工具. 在后来的岁月里, 这些工具可以指导有关资本规划和能源价格波动持续管理的决策, and can accommodate changes in financing terms, 能源定价, 资本成本, 还有其他变量.


测量 & 验证

测量与验证为能源管理的有效性提供了证据. 测量 and verification of utility consumption assists the building owner in evaluating the long-term energy performance of the property. 更多的 importantly measurement and verification is key in identifying problems with mechanical systems performance or resident behaviors that are negatively impacting energy performance.

The Benefits of 测量 and 验证

  • Increase energy savings

  • 记录esco的金融交易和州或联邦激励措施

  • Improve design, operations and maintenance of a facility

  • Account for variances from expected energy use



  1. To assess the performance of a single retrofit

  2. To assess a facility’s total energy use

  3. 确定新建建筑物相对于预计性能的跟踪情况


每个月, 新星 acquires the utility bills for each meter at each site, normalizes the data for weather and other factors, 并根据基线评估该物业的能源性能. The results are reported to ownership on a quarterly basis.

Our measurement and verification services comply with the 国际 Performance 测量 and 验证 Protocol (IPMVP EVO 10000-1:2012). 我们有一名认证测量和验证专业人员(CMVP).  M&V工艺最好在改造期之前开始,但可以在任何时候进行.


会员资格 & 合作伙伴关系.



Keely Felton | Chief Sustainability Officer, 新星 能源 集团

电子邮件 | 207-939-4983


瑞丰乐投letou官网, GBC (新星) is an international advising firm providing innovative environmental and engineering services in the areas of risk assessment, 调查, 管理, compliance and corrective action activities.

电话:+1 855-440-9393
电子邮件: info@westerlyspine.com




Corporate Headquarters

5320 West 23rd Street, Suite 270

St. 路易斯公园,明尼苏达州55416


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+1 (952) 448-9393

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